Meet the founder and owner

Lyndsey Nelson

Lyndsey is originally from the midwest but landed in California over a decade ago from her background in marine mammal training. She graduated college with a Bachelors Degree in Biology which led her to Miami, San Diego and Atlanta training seals, sea lions, dolphins and pilot whales. Lyndsey has surrounded herself with animals since a child working in vet clinics, zoos and aquariums for 20 years of her life. She specializes in reactive dogs due to her experience with large animals and expertise in animal training. She loves dogs in all shapes and sizes, but we all know she’s a sucker for dobermans and weimaraners, being an owner of both for 15 years.

Our origin story…

I rescued Rio as a young pup from a doberman rescue. She was sweet, friendly, loved to play, until one day, she wasn’t. Rio became dog-selective and we drastically changed our daily routines. One thing I would never compromise on was her day to day of being a happy, enriched and stimulated dog. Until you own a reactive dog, it is very hard to understand how stressful dog walks can be. The panic of people rushing up to you with their dog on long leashes, or off leash dogs galloping your way, or even just an unassuming person riding a skateboard - all of these circumstances were highly triggering for Rio. I refused to give up or isolate her to the house. Reactive dogs still deserve to get out, smell grass, watch the squirrels in the trees, enjoy the sun on their face and explore the world. Not every dog needs to “say hello” to your dog. I feel very passionate about still allowing reactive dogs to live the same quality and standard life as the happy-go-lucky dog.